Upcoming events.
We can make change happen TOGETHER.
We can make change happen TOGETHER. •

EarthLab Day in the Garden
EarthLab Climate Action Park
1110 Carolina Lane, San Diego
Spring is HERE- Come and spend some quality time in nature! EarthLab is open to wander through the 4-acre park, stroll through the pollinator garden, sit under mother oak or "dig in" with docent volunteers and learn more about waterwise plants.
To sign up or email: (619) 543-0430 groundworker@groundworksandiego.org

Redwood Village and Oak Park Tree Planting
Chollas Creek Communities Members - Come join your neighbors at the Redwood Village and Oak Park communities to plant trees. Volunteers will be planting trees at several homes. Thank you San Diego Canyonlands and Tree San Diego for supporting our project to improve the tree canopy in the watershed.
Want to Plant Trees? Register Now

EarthLab Day in the Garden
EarthLab Climate Action Park
1110 Carolina Lane, San Diego
Come see the budding of Spring in the Garden!. Spend some quality time in nature at EarthLab - wander through the 4-acre park, stroll through the pollinator garden, sit under mother oak, or "dig in" with docent volunteers and learn more about waterwise plants.
To sign up, call or email: (619) 543-0430 groundworker@groundworksandiego.org

EarthLab Day in the Garden
EarthLab Climate Action Park
1110 Carolina Lane, San Diego
Ready for some nature therapy!. Spend some quality time in nature at EarthLab - wander through the 4-acre park, stroll through the pollinator garden, sit under mother oak, or "dig in" with docent volunteers and learn more about waterwise plants.
To sign up, call or email: (619) 543-0430 groundworker@groundworksandiego.org

15th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Community Celebration and March
Join the celebration at this Family Fun event to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Community March, Speakers and Performers, Live entertainment, Arts & Crafts, Food zone, Youth Basketball Showcase, and More!

Webster Tree Planting Block Party
Chollas Creek Communities Members - Come join your neighbors at the Webster Tree Planting Block Party. Volunteers will be planting trees at several homes. Thank you San Diego Canyonlands and Tree San Diego for supporting our project to improve the tree canopy in the watershed.
Want to plant Trees? Register Now

Student Showcase Event
EarthLab, 1110 Carolina Lane, San Diego
Showcase event where SDUSD Lincoln Cluster Students share with parents and community members their projects.

EarthLab EVENT
EarthLab Climate Action Park
1110 Carolina Lane, San Diego
Come help us start our FARM! Today’s work is to clear an area in EarthLab so we can start our farming activity. The EARTHLAB FARM will be a new STEM educational program for the SDUSD area students and community. Sign up today and help us get this FARM started!
To sign up call or email: (619) 543-0430 groundworker@groundworksandiego.org

MTM Climate Action Club
EarthLab Climate Action Park
1110 Carolina Lane, Room 205, San Diego
Join our Climate Action Club and become a superhero for the community. Together, we 'll learn, design, create, act, and make a big difference for our environment. Students will design science projects work together to understand climate in Southeastern. Families that participate in the science projects and attend the first Saturday each month will receive a $50 gift card each month!
After School Program - Starting August 13, 2024 Tuesday - Thursday 2:45 - 4:30 pm, Meet in Room 205
Family Events - First Saturday of the Month 9:30 - 11:30 am, Meet in Room 204
Sign up Today - Click HERE
For more information email: groundworker@groundworksandiego.org

EarthLab Day in the Garden
EarthLab Climate Action Park
1110 Carolina Lane, San Diego
Chollas Creek Community Families - Come and spend some quality time in nature! EarthLab is open to wander through the 4-acre park, stroll through the pollinator garden, sit under mother oak or "dig in" with docent volunteers and learn more about waterwise plants.
To sign up or email: (619) 543-0430 groundworker@groundworksandiego.org

EarthLab Day in the Garden
EarthLab Climate Action Park
1110 Carolina Lane, San Diego
Chollas Creek Community Families - Come and spend some quality time in nature! EarthLab is open to wander through the 4-acre park, stroll through the pollinator garden, sit under mother oak or "dig in" with docent volunteers and learn more about waterwise plants.
To sign up or email: (619) 543-0430 groundworker@groundworksandiego.org

EarthLab Day in the Garden
EarthLab Climate Action Park
1110 Carolina Lane, San Diego
Chollas Creek Community Families - Come and spend some quality time in nature! EarthLab is open to wander through the 4-acre park, stroll through the pollinator garden, sit under mother oak or "dig in" with docent volunteers and learn more about waterwise plants.
To sign up or email: (619) 543-0430 groundworker@groundworksandiego.org

Community Climate Science Day
EarthLab Climate Action Park
1110 Carolina Lane, San Diego
Our Chollas Creek community climate scientists focus in on another day of collecting data community data and discussing Food Justice and Heat Abatement.
For more information or to register, call or email: (619) 818-0275 earthlab@groundworksandiego.org

Community Climate Science Day
EarthLab Climate Action Park
1110 Carolina Lane, San Diego
We welcome at this kick-off event the Chollas Creek Watershed families that are our first group of community climate scientists. Over the next several months, they will discuss the issues and collect community data and information focused on Flooding, Food Justice and Heat Abatement.
For more information or to register, call or email: (619) 818-0275 earthlab@groundworksandiego.org

EarthLab Family Fun Day
EarthLab Family Fun Day
1110 Carolina Lane San Diego, CA, 92102
SD City College Presentation- Electrification, Equity, Efficiency
Join the conversation around local electrification and energy efficiency. Family arts and crafts project too.

Eastern Area Communities Planning Committee
Eastern Area Communities Planning Committee

Southeastern San Diego Community Planning Group
Southeastern San Diego Community Planning Group

Event Four
EarthLab Family Fun Day
SD Humane Society – Project Wildlife
Sharing information on Animals and how the environment/humans are impacting their lives

EarthLab Day in the Garden
EarthLab Climate Action Park
1110 Carolina Lane, San Diego
Chollas Creek Community Families - Come and spend some quality time in nature! EarthLab is open to wander through the 4-acre park, stroll through the pollinator garden, sit under mother oak or "dig in" with docent volunteers and learn more about waterwise plants.
To sign up, call, text, or email: (619) 818-0275 groundworker@groundworksandiego.org

Holiday Turkey Giveaway Event
Chollas Creek Residents
Jacobs Center for Neighborhood Innovation
404 Euclid Ave, San Diego
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Don't miss this fun family event where 1,000 FREE turkeys will be given away. Thanks to all of the many organizations and the San Diego Police creating this celebration for the community.
For event details call or email Patrice: