Environmental, Economic

and Social Well-Being.

Groundwork San Diego

Groundwork San Diego

Groundwork San Diego-Chollas Creek strives to bring about the sustained regeneration, improvement and management of the physical environment through the development of community-based partnerships which empower people, businesses and organizations to promote environmental, economic and social well-being.


UCSD – Center for Global Justice

San Diego Unified School District

Bayview Community Development Corporation

Bike San Diego

Chollas Valley Planning Group

City of San Diego

County of San Diego


Climate Action Campaign

Eastern Area Communities Planning Committee

Emerald Hills Neighborhood Council

UCSD – Center for Global Justice • San Diego Unified School District • Bayview Community Development Corporation • Bike San Diego • Chollas Valley Planning Group • City of San Diego • County of San Diego • SANDAG • Climate Action Campaign • Eastern Area Communities Planning Committee • Emerald Hills Neighborhood Council •

Environmental Health Coalition

Oak Park Community Council

Mount Hope Community Group

Outdoor Outreach

 San Diego Canyonlands

San Diego Coastkeeper

San Diego County Bicycle Coalition

Sierra Club

Civic Communities

Southeastern San Diego Planning Group

Webster Community Council

Environmental Health Coalition • Oak Park Community Council • Mount Hope Community Group • Outdoor Outreach •  San Diego Canyonlands • San Diego Coastkeeper • San Diego County Bicycle Coalition • Sierra Club • Civic Communities • Southeastern San Diego Planning Group • Webster Community Council •

San Diego Quality of Life Coalition

Grid Alternatives

Center for Sustainable Energy

Scripps Heat Hub

Scripps Institute of Oceanography

Natural History Museum

San Diego Unified School District K-12 schools

Audubon society

HandsOn San Diego

San Diego Native Plant Society

San Diego Quality of Life Coalition

San Diego Quality of Life Coalition • Grid Alternatives • Center for Sustainable Energy • Scripps Heat Hub • Scripps Institute of Oceanography • Natural History Museum • San Diego Unified School District K-12 schools • Audubon society • HandsOn San Diego • San Diego Native Plant Society • San Diego Quality of Life Coalition •

In the News

June 5, 2024 - KPBS reports on the Save the Canyon Press Conference jointly held by Groundwork San Diego, Sierra Club, Canyonlands, and the Audubon Society. Hear our Webster residents and partners explain the need to protect Chollas Creek and sensitive habitat in this location from further development.

“I learn from Groundwork San Diego what more I can do for my community and how to bring about change.”

David – Chollas View

Make a donation.

Your donation of any amount will support Groundwork’s programs in the areas of neighborhood climate action, STEAM education, and promoting parks and trails and a healthy Chollas Creek. We will keep you posted on our progress through our monthly updates!  Thank you!



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